Our 3 Little Buckeyes!

Our 3 Little Buckeyes!
Katie, Karissa, and Ryan - Winter 2008

Friday, September 11, 2009

Esther Study

I decided to carve out Wednesday Nights when I don't have a jewelry show to do a ladies Bible Study at church. And I love it so much that I have blocked out Wednesday Nights on my work calendar so I can make it every week going forward. We are doing the Beth Moore Study on Esther. Now, I've taken courses on this book before.....but all taught by men. Not to knock the males BUT, I have already gotten so much out of it this time around with it being taught from a woman's perspective!!!!
So this was week 2 in the study.....here are some AWESOME thoughts that JUMPED out at me.... God knows you're a girl! Yea! He made me this way ON PURPOSE!!! He wants to use me AS a woman in the unique way He has planned for me!
You can't amputate your history from your destiny.......and Lord knows there are things I would love to cut out of my life's story. BUT He doesn't want that. My history is what makes me, me and it ALL plays a part in my destiny!
So, am I fulfilling my destiny that He has planned for me? Am I doing all I can to walk the path He has for me? Am I truly willing to be used the way He wants to use me?........like Beth Moore said.....God sees our weaknesses and says, "You know, I can do that - you can't - but I can"!

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