Our 3 Little Buckeyes!

Our 3 Little Buckeyes!
Katie, Karissa, and Ryan - Winter 2008

Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm a Jewelry Girl!

So a few posts ago I wrote about needing to find a part-time supplemental position. My good friend, Liz has made a nice living working with a fantastic jewelry company and she shared the company with me. Long story short, since I already have so much jewelry from them that I got for free for hosting shows, I didn't even have to buy the whole kit. My investment has not been that much and I've already earned back 1/2 of it!
So for people who know me they know that I am a jewelry nut - I used to assistant manage at a local jewelry store when Bill and I were first married and I make my own jewelry too. A lot of people have asked me to market my own line but I just don't have the funds and connections to do that. I wish I could but you're talking TONS of money. So, I've started with Premier Designs Jewelry. Great jewelry, fabulous prices, lifetime guarantee, ..... fantastic company!
Tonight is my kickoff event and I'm excited. I had 15 people who RSVP's but a few have dropped due to the flu and nasty weather but I'm hopeful for 10. If I can get a good start the rest will be easy!

Snow Days!

I remember when I was a kid I would LIVE for snow-days. Not so much now. The kids are literally climbing the walls and bundling up in snow suits to go outside for 20 minutes before they get to cold and then come back in.....it's loosing it's appeal and I am praying that the little rodent says it's going to be a short winter because I'm done!
We have all spent the last week passing the flu around. I have cleaned up more messes than I can count. It looks like everyone is fine now.....hoping we don't have any repeat offenders.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 Hello!

So the Holidays are past.....I always have mixed feelings about that. Sad to see the pretty lights, trees, and all the other spectacle....but happy that the insanity is over and the day to day monotony is back. Maybe that sounds pathetic, but I get WORN OUT over the Holidays and my kids are so jacked up on sugar having any sort of schedule at all is laughable!
So back to the grind.
2009 will prove to be an interesting year I think. I am optomistic that it will be a better year overall. One big change for us will be that I am looking into going back to a traditional job. I'm hoping to find something I can do in the evenings and weekends to help supplement and would be tickled pink to be able to still work and be with Ryan during the day. But if not, I will look at jobs that are traditional hours. It will kill me to leave the kids but I'm starting to feel the itch to get back out there. I love what I do, but at times find myself talking to Bill in "Toddlerese" and there are days that the poop and puke almost get the best of me. It's tough.....not sure what I'll end up doing......but the best thing is that I know that GOD DOES so I'm not stressing. If and when He is ready for me to move on, I know that the PERFECT situation will present itself.
So, blog friends, that is my biggest request for 2009 - for divine guidance as I seek His will in that matter.
My other prayers would be for health and happiness for my children and my families children. Divine healing for my niece, Alexis; Safety for my sister Hollys new baby in-utero and birth; Bills contentment at his work that He can be a Light daily there; growth in our church; unity in our small group; peace and strength for our friends Rocky and Julie as they enter a year without their son that passed away this past week; financial wisdom; an opportunity to go on a family bonding trip; increase in business for my mom in real estate; provision for Bills mom as she retired in December..........if that's not enough to keep you busy for a while I am sure I can come up with some more!