Our 3 Little Buckeyes!

Our 3 Little Buckeyes!
Katie, Karissa, and Ryan - Winter 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Top 10 reasons I love my hubby

#10 - He thinks I look fine without my makeup
#9 - He still knows how to CRACK ME UP after 14 years together
#8 - He is the best father to my children that I could ever imagine
#7 - He helps with the laundry
#6 - He helps with the dishes
#5 - He let me get a dog that he personally hates....and tolerates him pretty well
#4 - He never gives me grief about going shopping
#3 - He never complains about my cooking shortfalls
#2 - He has supported me through every "venture" I have taken
#1 - After 14 years of marriage, he still makes me blush!
We went to a wedding this weekend and that always brings out my mushy side. He is such a great man in so many ways and I am lucky to have him!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Family Vacation

We had a GREAT time in Florida and our pictures prove it! We got to spend lots of time with family relaxing by the pool and visiting Universal Studios. We got a week pass and it was great to be able to come and go as we wanted. We went early AM and then left in the afternoon when the crowds and temp started heating up. We went with my parents as well as Cherie and Jon and their twin girls - Elizabeth and Aleah.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

God TOTALLY has a sense of humor!

So my sister Cherie was done having kids. She had twins with the help of in-virto and was told (by 4 specialists) she could never, ever have them on her own. So they were done.....or so they thought! Her twins are 7 months old and she is almost 5 months pregnant with a third (and she says final) baby. It's a girl and we are so excited for them! Just when we think we have it all figured out, God says - Check this out, I'm still in control and I can still make the doctors drop their jaws! 3 babies in 13 months.....WOW. I'll start praying for their sanity now!

Misery over...for now

So he finally cut his teeth. He woke up this morning jumping and laughing in his bed so I knew we were off to a good start. He's back to normal with 4 new pearly whites popped through. So cute. We should be done for now...until he cuts his 2-year molars. Gee, I can't wait....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The last 2 days have been just miserable.....Ryan is cutting his 4 "eye - teeth" all at once and he is a wreck. Poor thing. He didn't cut his first tooth until he was 11 months and I think it's worse the older they get. He is completely out of sorts and my happy little guy has been replaced by a leg-clinging, screaming, tantrum-throwing, demon of sorts. I simply cannot put him down. When I do, he goes into hysterics and I have to hold him again to calm him. The bright side is that I've discovered how to make PB&J, type on the computer, load and unload the dishwasher and a myriad of other things with one hand while holding a 25-pound toddler. I am praying.....honestly PRAYING.....that he cuts these 4 teeth tonight so we don't have another unbearable day tomorrow.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Joys of camping

Waking up and praying that the sunshine won't wake up the kids for just 5 more minutes!

Playing fetch with the puppy (I never have time at home) and getting in my exercise when he bolts for it!

Making friends with the people around us and then calling security on them when they've had a few too many. Call me a kill-joy but I get UP IN ARMS when people start cussing around my kids!

Taking naps with Ryan because he's too little to fall asleep on his own in a new environment, right?

Sitting by the campfire and hoping that no one will get West Nile Virus from the trillions of mosquitos!

Playing Mexican Train with the girls and LOVING it when they win "for real"!

We had a great trip - just too short. Bummer is that it cost us over $200 in gas towing the camper so we have to cut way back on our summer adventures. I guess we'll start taking "staycations" as people are now calling them......dagone gas prices!!!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Just one of those weekends.

I should have known it was going to be a crazy weekend.....Friday evening started out with a bang! We met Bill across town at IHOP (yeah, we live life on the edge, don't we? LOL!) and did some shopping at Lowes, which incidentaly has become one of my favorite places to shop. We got home and chatted with our neighbors for a while and then got a call from another neighbor asking if we could hear the Tornado siren. We couldn't and after looking at the LB High School which is literally a block away we could see the beginnings of a funnel cloud. It was reaching toward the ground and was spinning a bunch of dirt with it. It freaked me out like I've never been before. We threw the kids and the dog down in the basement (not literally, of course) and tried to button down the hatches so to speak. The funnel skipped our neighborhood and touched down from the airport about a mile from us. YIKES!!!! We do NOT need another insurance claim. The flood was a $50,000 loss in August.....I can only imagine what another big claim would do to our premium! All we lost were some shingles and had a lot of debris blown into our yard but nothing major. We're off to a great start this season - 4 Tornados in a month and the season goes til September......fun.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back to reality

Vacation was GREAT! We had a blast and I'm already planning the next one for next year. We went with my sister Cherie, Jon, their babies, and my parents. At first we weren't 100% sure it was such a good idea to be in such close quarters with everyone.....but it was perfect. The condo was plenty big and we were right on the golf course which gave the kids plenty of room to run. Having the other couples there to take turns with the kids was splendid! We actually got a date night out and went to see Blue Man Group which was FANTASTIC!
Now were home and it's back to life as usual....grrrrr. At least school ends this week so I don't have to fight with the girls to get out of bed for the next 8 weeks!
I'll post some picts of our vacation as soon as I figure out where my camera is.....I still haven't unpacked completely!