Our 3 Little Buckeyes!

Our 3 Little Buckeyes!
Katie, Karissa, and Ryan - Winter 2008

Monday, June 29, 2009

Praying For Jonah

I have been following this blog for over a month and would like to share it with you. Baby Jonah was born with a very rare and serious disorder. I've been praying for this little guy even though I don't know his family personally. Check out his blog and join me in praying for healing for this sweet little man http://patriceandmattwilliams.blogspot.com

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Too Hot For Anything. . .

Up until this week the summer here has been very pleasant and then......it turned into an inferno. My air conditioner has been ticking away literally non stop. Last night, it was a low of 68...at night?!?! What in the world.....Today with the humidity it feels like 100 - literally.
We had told the kids that we were not going to put up their big pool this year because last year they only used it a handful of times. We live outside city limits so our water is psycho-expensive...... But up it went 2 days ago and today I got so hot that I got in too! What a sight, I am sure but it's too hot for anything but the pool or staying inside. Some day we do want to put in a in-ground pool with the works........now, just to find the extra money to pay for it..... :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Moment Of Insanity???

I really may be insane. Sitting on the plane on the way to Myrtle Beach, 2 year old in my lap, wrestling with the bag under my feet while Ryan was whining that he couldn't find one of his 3 favorite Binkys.....going on vacation with my kids without my hubby.....what was I thinking? My sister and her 3 kids were along for the trip - but with 3 babies under 18 months (yes, twins are in that mix) she wasn't help with my batch. My parents also came along but were the "built-in-nannies" for Cherie's bunch. And rightfully so. It was a bit of an insane decision to venture out without my guy but we did survive. The worst part was trying to get all of our luggage out to the car without loosing a child or ramming an innocent bystander with all our stuff.......next time we are packing lighter!
I rented my first every rental car and returned it without incident! :) My girls ventured into the ocean to jump waves.....also a first - they are more clean and tidy pool kinda girls! And Ryan was adorable at the beach. He LOVED it! Aside from my mom falling into the baby pool and almost drowning herself and one of the twins, it was a pretty smooth trip. (Yes, true story!)
Can't wait til next year! LOL!