Our 3 Little Buckeyes!

Our 3 Little Buckeyes!
Katie, Karissa, and Ryan - Winter 2008

Thursday, November 12, 2009

He Provides.....

Ok, so I'll admit that paying our tithe has, at times, been difficult. Deep down inside, I always know God will give back more than what I give him......but when you're looking at the numbers on paper and they just don't add up.....that's when it gets tough. So, this past week was one of those tough weeks......extra bills that we hadn't really planned on......kids out sick from my daycare so I don't get paid when they don't come.....the list goes on. As I was sitting in church it was time for the offering and I reached my hand over to my purse for the checkbook but then the fear took over and all those extra things came rushing into my mind. Then, as I'm sitting there, I honestly felt almost a real, physical nudge. I reached back over, wrote the check and said, "Ok God, I hear you and I'm stepping out here and I'm doing it.....but you know the situation this week and if you don't help us, this is probably going to bounce......"
Therein......the miracle! I did a jewelry show on Tuesday, not sure how it was going to go - it was in the middle of nowhere in the country and the lady had no idea how many were going to come. 18 ended up coming.....over $1,000 in sales and 3 more girls scheduled, and 2 are very interested in joining my team.....CRAZY GOOD! He provided the money we needed for the tithe PLUS more! WOW! If this is a struggle you are having.......just trust Him. He will be faithful and He will provide.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Esther Study

I decided to carve out Wednesday Nights when I don't have a jewelry show to do a ladies Bible Study at church. And I love it so much that I have blocked out Wednesday Nights on my work calendar so I can make it every week going forward. We are doing the Beth Moore Study on Esther. Now, I've taken courses on this book before.....but all taught by men. Not to knock the males BUT, I have already gotten so much out of it this time around with it being taught from a woman's perspective!!!!
So this was week 2 in the study.....here are some AWESOME thoughts that JUMPED out at me.... God knows you're a girl! Yea! He made me this way ON PURPOSE!!! He wants to use me AS a woman in the unique way He has planned for me!
You can't amputate your history from your destiny.......and Lord knows there are things I would love to cut out of my life's story. BUT He doesn't want that. My history is what makes me, me and it ALL plays a part in my destiny!
So, am I fulfilling my destiny that He has planned for me? Am I doing all I can to walk the path He has for me? Am I truly willing to be used the way He wants to use me?........like Beth Moore said.....God sees our weaknesses and says, "You know, I can do that - you can't - but I can"!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We Survived!

I "jokingly" put on my facebook to pray for us as we headed out on our longest camping vacation to date - 9 days. But I wasn't really kidding. Camping is hard work for the mamma and isn't much of a vacation. You either learn to love each other a while lot more (living in a 27 foot camper) or you come home divorced and with a few less children! LOL!
We ended up going to the Silver Lake Sand Dunes in Michigan and we had a great time. The kids were really cooperative and aside from Bill completely burning one meal on the fire - it was an uneventful trip. We took it pretty easy and went to an amusement park one day, did the Dune Rides, and did go-cart racing with the kids. It was a pretty cheap vacation all in all and one we may repeat again. :)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Praying For Jonah

I have been following this blog for over a month and would like to share it with you. Baby Jonah was born with a very rare and serious disorder. I've been praying for this little guy even though I don't know his family personally. Check out his blog and join me in praying for healing for this sweet little man http://patriceandmattwilliams.blogspot.com

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Too Hot For Anything. . .

Up until this week the summer here has been very pleasant and then......it turned into an inferno. My air conditioner has been ticking away literally non stop. Last night, it was a low of 68...at night?!?! What in the world.....Today with the humidity it feels like 100 - literally.
We had told the kids that we were not going to put up their big pool this year because last year they only used it a handful of times. We live outside city limits so our water is psycho-expensive...... But up it went 2 days ago and today I got so hot that I got in too! What a sight, I am sure but it's too hot for anything but the pool or staying inside. Some day we do want to put in a in-ground pool with the works........now, just to find the extra money to pay for it..... :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Moment Of Insanity???

I really may be insane. Sitting on the plane on the way to Myrtle Beach, 2 year old in my lap, wrestling with the bag under my feet while Ryan was whining that he couldn't find one of his 3 favorite Binkys.....going on vacation with my kids without my hubby.....what was I thinking? My sister and her 3 kids were along for the trip - but with 3 babies under 18 months (yes, twins are in that mix) she wasn't help with my batch. My parents also came along but were the "built-in-nannies" for Cherie's bunch. And rightfully so. It was a bit of an insane decision to venture out without my guy but we did survive. The worst part was trying to get all of our luggage out to the car without loosing a child or ramming an innocent bystander with all our stuff.......next time we are packing lighter!
I rented my first every rental car and returned it without incident! :) My girls ventured into the ocean to jump waves.....also a first - they are more clean and tidy pool kinda girls! And Ryan was adorable at the beach. He LOVED it! Aside from my mom falling into the baby pool and almost drowning herself and one of the twins, it was a pretty smooth trip. (Yes, true story!)
Can't wait til next year! LOL!

Friday, May 29, 2009


Summer is finally here! The girls were SOOOO ready for it this year - they have been counting down daily. But when the last day of school finally arrived, Kissa came home literally crying....sobbing. She said she loves her teacher and she is going to miss her too much. It was so sweet and I teared up too. She did have an EXCELLENT teacher this year and she will be missed greatly! This summer I am going to attempt a "summer school" of sorts with the girls. I've come up with my lesson plans and a schedule so we'll see how it goes! They seem pretty excited. The biggest challenge will be actually following through and carving out the time. I'm supposed to start another Masters Class in July......I'm dragging my feet.......but I may put it off until Fall. With summer trips, working my 2nd job, and the girls home......it might just be too much. At least that sounds like a valid excuse, right?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hopeful . . .

A few weeks ago, our pastor mentioned a missions trip to Haiti that our church will be sponsoring next year at some point. I didn't think much about it at the time but then saw a special on TV about the current food crisis there. Now it keeps poping into my mind every time I look at the fridge and see a photo of Steven (a little boy we sponsor through World Vision). I have always remembered my missions trips with Word of Life and Cedarville and they were both life-changing experiences. I am open to the idea although it petrifies me to be away from my kids for that long that far away. If God provides a way, I am willing. Pray with me that He will show me what He wants from me and will clearly provide financially and for the kids to allow me to go if He wants...... we'll see what He has in store!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jesus Is Alive Day!

We celebrated a beautiful Easter this year! The weekend was too fast but was perfect! We spent the day Saturday morning relaxing at home with the kids, painting eggs and doing whatever they wanted. Those unhurried days are few and far between so we enjoyed the relaxed pace. We had planned to go to a few local and church events but decided just to "go with the flow" and not have a big planned out day. We went across town and used our Kohls coupon to get Bill some much needed Spring clothes for work and then came home to get ready for Easter Sunday. (Now yesterday I found 2 boxes of my things in the basement - summer clothes that are all ruined because the box didn't make it upstairs after we flooded to be washed......hopefully Kohls has another great sale soon! Mammas goona need some new summer clothes!)
I sang for both services so I was up at the crack of dawn. Bill dragged the kids out of their beds so I could see them open their baskets. We did the basket hunt - Ryan was adorable playing "hide and go seek" with the basket - and then I ran out the door. We had breakfast at the church and then stayed for 2nd service. God was present and both services were great with a lot of new faced there! After, we headed up to Bills moms in Whitehouse and spent the afternoon eating, egg hunting, and visiting with family. The weather was absolutely perfect and the kids got to romp around outside most of the day......it was wonderful!
Easter always makes me think that we, as Christans, could use another "symbol" in addition to the cross. Not to diminish His work of redemption at all but I've always thought that the empty tomb would be a beautiful thing to hang around our necks too. After all, many martyrs have given their lives but none have risen again! His resurrection is what gives us hope.....what sets us apart from all other beliefs.......what promises us that death has no sting! Jesus is risen! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Too Long

It's been way too long since I've posted and so much has been going on......let's see.....where to begin.......I started my part-time jewelry business in January and it has been going fantastically well. I did 14 home shows in March and I have 12 scheduled for this month. It's been a ton of fun and I'm making great money! :) Can't beat that!
The kids have been well. We've had some colds and Ryan's asthma acted up for a while. Bill had to have a root-canal, but other than that, no complaints!
Karissa started taking Zoomba once a week at a dance studio and she inspired me to give it a whirl. I saw a picture of myself the other day and thought, "Am I really that fat?!?!". Dang! I have got to do something. So this should be a fun way to get in some cardio. My sister Cherie is going to take with me which is good. I always need an accountability partner to make sure I stick with it.
We are very much ready for Spring! We had some beautiful weather this weekend and now today it is snowing like mad. Not funny, in my opinion! Hoping for nice weather this weekend for Easter. We're taking the kids to Monkey Jump on Friday and then hope to get over to see the amazing sand sculpture on Saturday and hit an egg hunt or 2!
We flooded again 3 weeks ago and now the insurance company has dropped our basement for coverage in the future. We have done literally everything physically possible to make sure it doesn't happen again......but I don't know if I will ever sleep well in this house when it's raining hard. We've been slow on the repairs because I've been doing Jewelry Shows 3-4 nights a week and the weekends have been jammed full too. Hopefully soon we'll get it all back together!

Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm a Jewelry Girl!

So a few posts ago I wrote about needing to find a part-time supplemental position. My good friend, Liz has made a nice living working with a fantastic jewelry company and she shared the company with me. Long story short, since I already have so much jewelry from them that I got for free for hosting shows, I didn't even have to buy the whole kit. My investment has not been that much and I've already earned back 1/2 of it!
So for people who know me they know that I am a jewelry nut - I used to assistant manage at a local jewelry store when Bill and I were first married and I make my own jewelry too. A lot of people have asked me to market my own line but I just don't have the funds and connections to do that. I wish I could but you're talking TONS of money. So, I've started with Premier Designs Jewelry. Great jewelry, fabulous prices, lifetime guarantee, ..... fantastic company!
Tonight is my kickoff event and I'm excited. I had 15 people who RSVP's but a few have dropped due to the flu and nasty weather but I'm hopeful for 10. If I can get a good start the rest will be easy!

Snow Days!

I remember when I was a kid I would LIVE for snow-days. Not so much now. The kids are literally climbing the walls and bundling up in snow suits to go outside for 20 minutes before they get to cold and then come back in.....it's loosing it's appeal and I am praying that the little rodent says it's going to be a short winter because I'm done!
We have all spent the last week passing the flu around. I have cleaned up more messes than I can count. It looks like everyone is fine now.....hoping we don't have any repeat offenders.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 Hello!

So the Holidays are past.....I always have mixed feelings about that. Sad to see the pretty lights, trees, and all the other spectacle....but happy that the insanity is over and the day to day monotony is back. Maybe that sounds pathetic, but I get WORN OUT over the Holidays and my kids are so jacked up on sugar having any sort of schedule at all is laughable!
So back to the grind.
2009 will prove to be an interesting year I think. I am optomistic that it will be a better year overall. One big change for us will be that I am looking into going back to a traditional job. I'm hoping to find something I can do in the evenings and weekends to help supplement and would be tickled pink to be able to still work and be with Ryan during the day. But if not, I will look at jobs that are traditional hours. It will kill me to leave the kids but I'm starting to feel the itch to get back out there. I love what I do, but at times find myself talking to Bill in "Toddlerese" and there are days that the poop and puke almost get the best of me. It's tough.....not sure what I'll end up doing......but the best thing is that I know that GOD DOES so I'm not stressing. If and when He is ready for me to move on, I know that the PERFECT situation will present itself.
So, blog friends, that is my biggest request for 2009 - for divine guidance as I seek His will in that matter.
My other prayers would be for health and happiness for my children and my families children. Divine healing for my niece, Alexis; Safety for my sister Hollys new baby in-utero and birth; Bills contentment at his work that He can be a Light daily there; growth in our church; unity in our small group; peace and strength for our friends Rocky and Julie as they enter a year without their son that passed away this past week; financial wisdom; an opportunity to go on a family bonding trip; increase in business for my mom in real estate; provision for Bills mom as she retired in December..........if that's not enough to keep you busy for a while I am sure I can come up with some more!