Our 3 Little Buckeyes!

Our 3 Little Buckeyes!
Katie, Karissa, and Ryan - Winter 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Our house is 7 years old and we need a new roof already. We lost some small sections off the back this past weekend with the monsoon winds so we had my uncle come take a look. Our warranty is void because they were not installed correctly (thanks to the builders for that one!) and the vents in our roof are not even vented - they are for looks only. Dag-on-it! So now, we have to replace it ourselves. Not enough damage from the storm to be able to claim it but a deffective roof that needs to be replaced or we risk it getting damaged more or worse yet, not have it pass inspection should be ever go to sell - not like that is even a remote option in the economy in our area at this point......Bless my uncle though - he is slow with construction right now and is willing to pretty much eat at the labor expense and do it at a huge savings. When he's busy he has a full crew so he can't cut much. This will hurt the budget for a while but what can you do? Winter is coming and the winters here are NASTY - it isn't going to heal itself!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My itinerary for this week is nothing but non-stop running! I'm working every day this week and probably won't get an afternoon off. Hollys little guy is sick and she is my sub so I can get away 1-2 afternoons a week but that probably won't happen this week. Monday is Sylvan with Karissa, Tuesday is piano for both the girls followed by jump-rope team at school (who knew ...... it's a school sport!), Wednesday is Sylvan for Karissa and French Club for Katie followed by a mad dash to church for me to do worship team and lead choir practice this week, Thursday is clarinet for Katie and gymnastics for Karissa, and Friday we have a birthday party to go to. Saturday......I have not a clue but most likely, sitting down will not be on the schedule. Oh, and how could I forget.....I also have a masters class on Thursday...which I am very far behind in .......gee, I wonder why!
I asked my parents this weekend if the running ever gets better.....when the kids get older. Dad just shook his head and laughed.....not really the response I was hoping for.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm not big into politics but this year has me fired up! I watched both parties VP/P speeches and I gotta' tell you I am so excited to see Palin on the ticket with McCain. Not because she is a woman (that's a great side-perk) but because she shares my values, morals, and I really think she is what this country needs more of. More common sense legislature, more "normal" people in Washington instead of some out-of-touch bureaucrat. I feel that her not being in Washington circles is actually a good thing.....she hasn't been calloused by it.....and she isn't afraid of it either! I just love the fact that all the feminists suddenly have a problem with a working mom.......hypocrites!
McCain gave a great speech as well and I was moved by it last night. He spoke from his heart and the candidate that I wasn't excited about "having" to vote for (because I hold to those conservative values) won me over BIG TIME! Being "ballsy" enough to slam down on your own party for corruption and loss of trust by the American people.....wow! That spoke volumes and I was impressed and now can't wait to see what his detailed plan is for the next 4 years.
And, by the way, I just love those demonstrators who tired so hard to get the focus off and I thought McCains response to it was brilliant! "The American people are getting sick and tired of us yelling at each other, OK?"!!!! Too bad the Freedom Of Speech didn't include a clause that doesn't allow for being an idiot about expressing those thoughts!....that kind of protest accomplishes nothing but creating chaos and more division......it's useless and ridiculous. Instead of waving your sign and running down the aisle screaming obscenities, how about DOING something about it........send care packages to the troops, organize a petition, get a bill before Congress, provide for a debate between the parties.......something!
I love his maverick side and that he isn't afraid of stepping on toes. When I watched Obama, although it was technically one of the best speeches I've heard, I just didn't believe him and the fact that he is the "golden child" of the liberal media just really boils my blood.
Yep, I'm voting for the experienced war veteran and the pro-life, common-sense, PTA mom!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

When my kids get tired, they all react so differently. Katie gets downright mean and will turn on you at the drop of a hat. Kissa gets really emotional and melts down at the slightest thing. Ryan gets clingy and won't let you put him down. Makes for lots of fun when all 3 are tired at once, let me tell you!
This past weekend I wanted to do absolutely NOTHING! But my hubby had other plans and we were running almost every minute. I ended up feeling like we didn't have a holiday and I'm more tired today than I was at the end of last week. Needless to say, we had quite the scene at the Mead home this morning with trying to get 3 kids up and going - 2 out the door for school after a week out for the fair - and myself geared up for work........uuuhhhh.
All 3 went to bed tonight without any fight at all.......I guess that's the silver lining.......if you run them to the point of absolute exhaustion, they just pass out on you!