Our 3 Little Buckeyes!

Our 3 Little Buckeyes!
Katie, Karissa, and Ryan - Winter 2008

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am such a slackard.....I'm not even sure if I qualify as that! I haven't posted on my blog in over a YEAR.....a YEAR.....seriously! Well, on the good side, I guess no one can ever blame me of being sidetracked by blogging! OK so I guess I should give an update:
I'll start with Katie - she had a quick season with Cross Country this past fall and after 3 pretty severe injuries ended up pulling out.....not the sport for her! She's getting very into fashion design and is quite the budding photographer too. She's more of an "artsy" soul so that's the route we are encouraging her to explore. She's not a jock - never has been, never will be - why fight that? She's a huge social butterfly and loves to "hang" with her friends.....I've been informed that she does not "play" with her friends - that's so 6th grade aparently!
Kissa just finished up cheerleading and is looking forward to softball this spring. She is also ver social and her Aunt Holly invested in a walkie-talkie for her for Christmas which has been a life-saver. She loves to disappear all over the neighborhood so now we just call her and she runs home! She has been working hard on her badges in scouting and is very excited to tackle her equine badge next.....anything animals and she is all over it! This past winter the dog killed and ate a bunny....true story - don't ask...and Karissa insisted on keeping the poor things tail and foot......it disgusted me but she'll probably be a vet someday and will choose my nursing home so I'm fine with it for now!
Ryan was devestated to learn that he was 1 month too young to play soccer this spring and will have to wait until fall but is participating in a Little Kickers Program with Daddy this summer. The kid is amazing at any sport he tries! He has his preschool screening next week which will determine if he will be going to the LB Preschool next fall. I have mixed emotions. I know it will be so good for him but at the same time, I am NOT ready for my baby to start school!
Bill is still at K W Distributing managing all women - except 1! It's a great company and God has blessed them even in the down economy! The 1 downside is the over 1 hour drive. Several times this winter in bad weather, it took him 2+ hours to get there.....yuck! He's still busy teaching the Jr High class at church and helping with the youth program as a mentor.
I'm still doing my daycare and am anticipating continuing until Ryan is in Kindergarten but am open to anything God might bring my way now......would have to be a perfect fit...but you never know! Still plugging away on my masters. Sometimes it's a struggle but I started it and one thing I am not is a quitter. Eventually I'll get there! Still busy with church activities and my Premier business is still very busy. I won a trip to San Diego for Bill and I the end of April so we are very excited about being able to go enjoy a week away! I have some fun things planned for him that he has NO CLUE about but I know he's going to LOVE every minute of it! I really love pulling suprises over on him!
Am hoping to update more often as I have time......I know family and friends like to keep up on us this way......will post some picts of the kids soon!

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